The Tempest in the Oil Drum
Friday, December 16, 2016
Great question, Physicsnerd! And I would love to answer it, but I cannot answer you directly at because I have been permanently BANNED again! That is how censorship works.
Here is the post that got me banned:
So, just noticing that has a specific agenda to cover-up the Etp model will get you immediately BANNED! But this is my blog and I am free to say anything I want here even if no one ever reads it.
Let's look more closely at the anatomy of censorship and deception on full display at Here is what a guest (i.e reader, non-member) sees when they view active topics:
There are several important things to notice about this.
1. Another new Etp Model Q&A thread has been created. This happens (supposedly automatically) when a thread reaches 500 posts (25 pages). There is no sensible reason to do this in the first place. All it does is destroy thread continuity and roll large sections of the thread into an "archive" that the public cannot see. The Etp Model Q&A thread had 56 pages before it was arbitrarily decided to apply this insidious thread splitting routine for the first time. No explanation for the policy change was ever given.
2. The newly created Etp Model Q&A thread is actually part 6, but that part number is not visible in the title of the thread. A casual reader would likely never know that there was a vast amount of material being hidden from their view. There is no other thread on the forum where this "mistake" is being made. The perennial "THE Price of Crude pt 13" thread is clearly and properly titled, but for some reason, the Etp Model Q&A is not. How could this happen with a supposedly automatic process?
3. Speaking of supposedly malfunctioning automatic processes, check out what just happened to the "What does the ETP model predict for the future?" thread. It has somehow "accidentally" locked itself, just one post short of 500 posts, without automatically generating a part 2! What the hell? There are now no active threads discussing the Etp model except for the Etp Model Q&A. By the way, this is not the first time this particular trick has been used. The same thing happened to the very active "Why a fast crash is inevitable" thread. It was also locked with 499 posts and no part 2 was automatically created. Observerbrb had to start a new version himself.
4. And the cover-up continues. The screenshot above was taken last night when the thread splitting first occurred. Today at the top of the forum is yet another official redirect thread from Tanada and mysterious site owner Daniel Colonese entitled "The Real Peak oil"! This brings us full circle. I was permanently BANNED for trying to make a sarcastic comment on a very similar thread called "Let's Talk About Peak Oil For A Change"!
It is very difficult to imagine that all of this is just a coincidence. It should be pretty obvious what is going on. Tanada herself made it quite clear some time ago:
An open letter to BWHill:
Hi BW,
I have been a very strong and outspoken proponent of the Etp model. I was largely responsible for taking the Etp fight to the regular discussion threads at I did this because I wanted to get the Etp model noticed by a wider audience. This was strongly resisted by the management of It has finally resulted in a permanent BAN that I can not get around, at least so far. I think they are using cookies to track me (must have been that recent software update). I really do miss being a part of the ongoing discussion about the implications of the Etp model, but I am not secret agent man. It seems fairly ridiculous on the face of it that I would have to play some stupid cloak and dagger games just to be able to sneak past the censors at and offer a thoughtful comment on the Etp model.
Of course, even if I could freely comment at, I would still have to resign myself to the sad fact that my best comments would soon be completely obliterated by the thread splitting and "archiving", not to mention the relentless trolling, stalking, and bullying that is just a regular feature of the bullshit forum.
Good discussions are very fragile things. Tagio left a very interesting comment on the "What does the ETP model predict for the future?" thread. Unfortunately, it was the very last comment on that now locked thread. Oh well. Hopefully this will not discourage him from continuing to make excellent posts. BW, you yourself made some very good posts to get the Etp Q&A thread back on track after the insane trolling crescendo that coincided with my unfair banning. Those well thought out, time consuming posts you made just a couple of days ago are essentially invisible to casual readers of the forum today! You will be forced to repeat yourself again and again endlessly. What a waste of time. As long as controls the frame, you are essentially screwed.
BW, I hope this blog post helps to convince you that your message is being buried. You and I discussed the signal to noise problem at quite extensively. It is time to implement plan B. You must control your own message. That means starting up your own blog to host serious, thoughtful discussions that would be far more compelling than anything that is possible on These focused discussions could be properly preserved and easily accessable to people who are just learning about the Etp model, giving them a fair chance to actually understand it. The implications of the Etp model are far too important to be distorted and covered up by the idiots at
And speaking of idiots:
Why does allow this? The idiot called marmico is free to post this kind of offensive, disruptive crap. And I am banned for life. Yeah, that makes sense.
If you had your own blog, things would be very different. Please consider doing this as soon as possible.
aka SumYunGai,
aka Loren Soman
Holy shit! Sjn's post just gave me a major new insight about the Etp model! I just realized that it is a mistake to think that the model is only measuring the energy used by the oil industry to produce oil. It is, in fact, measuring all the energy that is used to produce oil, but a substantial portion of that energy is being expended by the general economy rather than just the energy producing sector of the economy.
When a bottom up ERoEI analysis tries to account for all of the energy being used to produce oil, it only attempts to measure the energy directly expended by the oil industry. The Etp model, on the other hand, uses the Entropy Rate Balance Equation for Control Volumes to directly derive the correct answer to the question of the total energy actually used to produce, refine, and distribute oil. But this energy comes from civilization as a whole, not just the oil industry directly involved in producing oil. For example, the roads used by the oil industry are also used by everyone else. Some portion of the energy cost of building those roads should be accounted for as being part of the energy cost of producing oil. A standard ERoEI analysis at this total system level, if one were attempted, would mix in some economics and attempt to amortize the road building costs over time to estimate the portion of those energy costs that benefit oil production. The Etp model instead directly captures all of the energy actually expended by ALL parts of the economy to produce oil. The Etp version of amortization is thus automatic and truly accurate because the Etp model measures the total energy used to produce oil no matter where that energy comes from.
If a version of the Etp model were created that only measured the energy used for Saudi oil production alone, it would automatically be accounting for the bread and circus costs that sjn is talking about in his post above, though the Etp model would not be able to separate those specific energy costs from the total energy costs.
I believe there has been a simple semantic error in thinking going on, but it is a critical error in terms of biophysics. Energy flows are invisible and highly complex. It is valid and useful to separate the economy into two arbitrary parts, i.e. the energy producing sector and the general economy, in order to model the system, but this simplification can result in some semantic confusion, such as assuming that all the energy costs of producing oil are expended in what we call the energy producing sector of the economy. The Etp model measures the total energy from all sources used to produce oil. But all sources doesn't just refer to the types of energy sources used (oil, natural gas, solar, etc.) by the oil industry. All sources also includes the portion of the energy being expended in the general economy that directly contributes to the production of oil.
This insight should help explain more clearly why the Etp model produces such a starkly different result than standard, bottom up ERoEI analysis does. And, more fundamentally, this clarification of just what the Etp model is actually measuring in the biophysical universe should be highlighted for a deeper understanding of how civilization actually functions (while it still does).
Of course, I might be completely wrong about this whole damn concept! I really wish I could discuss it with someone.
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Was The Forum Offline For Everybody?
I have been banned again from Here is how it happened:
by SumYunGai
» Sun 09 Oct 2016, 16:41:25
Quinny wrote:I seem to be down to only 12 threads left??
Tanada wrote:Try this link, does it work for you?
So you just dropped by after 2 days to give Quinny a link to the board index, but you have nothing to say about an entire thread that has gone missing?!? Pstarr and I both agree that the thread was very important. Where did it go?
Don't you think that your
I am quite sure you have a copy of the missing thread. I know I do. Should I replace the missing thread myself?
THERE IS AN ENTIRE THREAD MISSING! Please put it back and/or explain why it is missing. Thank you.
by Tanada » Sun 09 Oct 2016, 19:29:57
Do you recall that a month or so ago I gave you and informal warning and told
you to use the PM system for any complaints you have about the board and how it
is run? You should remember, you acknowledged it in thread when it happened.
The thread was moved to the staff are for review because you chose to swear repeatedly in public, like a teenager with a bad temper and no self control. Now you are hopping up and down yelling like a teen age brat once again because your concerns, posted improperly in public thread yet again, were not dealt with instantly during the period when I had very limited access due to the server upgrade problems.
Seems how the message did not get through when you were given an informal warning we will make it formal this time. Stop posting complaints in open threads when you are supposed to use the PM system to do so. Everyone here is a volunteer and seems how you can not respect volunteers doing their best to keep this place functioning you get the second level prize, two week ban for violation of the COC.
Anyone else want to bellyache at me take you best shot. Use the PM system, that is what it is for.
I should be able to change
a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, design a building, write, balance
accounts, build a wall, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate,
act alone, solve equations, pitch manure, program a computer, cook, fight
efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.The thread was moved to the staff are for review because you chose to swear repeatedly in public, like a teenager with a bad temper and no self control. Now you are hopping up and down yelling like a teen age brat once again because your concerns, posted improperly in public thread yet again, were not dealt with instantly during the period when I had very limited access due to the server upgrade problems.
Seems how the message did not get through when you were given an informal warning we will make it formal this time. Stop posting complaints in open threads when you are supposed to use the PM system to do so. Everyone here is a volunteer and seems how you can not respect volunteers doing their best to keep this place functioning you get the second level prize, two week ban for violation of the COC.
Anyone else want to bellyache at me take you best shot. Use the PM system, that is what it is for.
Okay, let's start from the top, or in this case the bottom. At the bottom of your post in huge green letters is your "sig". It reads like a woman wrote it. It begins with a traditional woman's task (diaper changing) and then lists traditionally masculine tasks of which you are also capable. It is more linguistically conventional and much less confusing to have the first thing in the list identify you. So, bad writing. But maybe you did it on purpose. Like your name. Tanada. It sounds like a girl's name. The combination of your feminine sounding name and your weird "sig" screams "I am woman, hear me roar"! You sound like Helen Reddy to me! In fact, my natural first impression, when I was new to, was that you were a girl. I was very surprised to find out that you weren't. But I shouldn't have been, since this same disarming trick is used by many other fake discussion forums. At Tiassa and Kittimaru are both moderators. They are both dudes.
The COC that Tanada refers to is the site's official code of conduct. I have to admit that the fact that they constantly refer to it as the COC is a source of great humor for me. Every time they suggested that something had violated their beloved COC, I had to bite my tongue. But I really wanted to call them a bunch COC worshipers! Although it was very difficult to resist, I did not do this on the site for fear it might get me banned. But this is my blog. I am glad I finally got to say it.
So I was officially banned for complaining about the fact that an important thread was being censored. Not just a post or two, mind you. No, in this case, an entire thread! The thread was 2 pages long and contained 35 posts from many forum members.
I had already used the PM system to complain about the grotesque behavior of a troll named ennui2. Nothing was ever done to stop his behavior, which he continued to gloat about. So I went after the problem myself. That is what the missing thread is really all about and why it suddenly went missing. is a fake discussion forum. It is run by and for the oil industry. Trolls like ennui2, AdamB, rockdock123, etc. all work for the house. My banning was a setup. They really banned me because I was an outspoken and effective advocate of the Etp model. Now that I am banned and not there to oppose them, they are doing a full court press against the Etp model.
As if all of that wasn't bad enough, Tanada decided to LIE and claim that I "chose to swear repeatedly in public, like a teenager with a bad temper and no self control". This totally false and it pisses me off. The only swearing that appears in the thread was in a post by pstarr showing bad language that a troll named marmico had posted in another thread. On that thread the offensive post was removed. On this thread, marmico's offensive words caused the entire thread to be removed. How convenient.
I wasn't kidding when I said that I had a copy of the thread in my database. Here is the second page of the missing tread. Nothing has been altered by me. I formatted it the best I could to give it the look and feel of the original, but there are some formatting errors that keep adding an extra space between some of the lines. I don't feel like chasing all of those down. I just want there to be a record of the truth.
Re: Was The Forum Offline For Everbody On 10/2/2016?
by pstarr » Tue Oct 04, 2016 9:14 pm
You need to adapt to the New Order. Th Colonies rule now.dolanbaker wrote:Can't remember, that was over six months ago...
by kublikhan » Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:20 pm
After this happened to me once I got into the habit of copying the whole post(Highlight text then press Ctrl-C). It only takes about a second. But it has saved me several times when I had posting problems for various reasons. Ex: the site eats your original post but since everything is still on the clipboard you can just paste it(Ctrl-P) back into a new post or notepad for posting later if the site is having problems.
SeaGypsy wrote:On Sunday I tried to post something on SYG's stalker thread, about having multiple logins for multiple sites, the internet being built for stalkers, we should all take precautions, before cloudflare ate it & i gave up.
by AdamB » Wed Oct 05, 2016 12:53 am
pstarr wrote:Look who is back! The Stalker is on the move. Creepy Crawly Creepy Crawly Creepy Crawly
Not too scary, considering your days are numbered here.
All of our days are numbered Mr Pstarr. You should know this, with your
"biologic surveys" celebrating your victory over dead sea mammals,
and kicking back with a brewsky while enjoying a good forest clear cutting.
Have you considered taking a community college course (no, not the kind taught
at Stoner Instructional Complex) teaching empathy for the other creatures we
share this planet with?
by ennui2 » Wed Oct 05, 2016 2:10 am
PStarr really needs an empathy
course for fellow human beings before any other creatures.
My feeling about ad homs is if you can make the case that the reason someone is "wrong" on a position is a matter of character, that said character leads one to carrying a heavy axe to grind, that it's fair game. However, I think looking for ways to make someone look bad in a general gossippy way simply doesn't move the debate further.
Politics is so much more identity rather than issue-focused these days that there's really no way to argue a point solely on the data. It always winds up getting personal, like PStarr's various confessionals about how much seething hatred he feels towards suburbia.
If the future unfolds a certain way, some people's sense of self will be validated and other people's will feel threatened. That's all there is to it.
I could begin to archive the sort of language I see repeated again and again that clearly demonstrates a sort of smug precognitive satisfaction in seeing Rome burn. Shortonoil was the most recent guilty party, but it's boiler-plate doomerism. If I've read it once, I've read it a thousand times. If someone strikes that tone, I KNOW, I don't suspect, I KNOW they are oozing with doomer-bias. It's not that nothing they have to say has merit, but if something is X degrees doomy, they're going to overly exaggerate it. If something's gonna crash and burn in 50 years, they'll predict 5 months. And to check people on this over-eager doomerism is simply to invite being accused of cornyism.
There's little if any attempt to look at the future from a truly apolitical clinical perspective and especially no interest in seeing a range of outcomes. People have one very narrow picture of the future and by gosh they're sticking by it.
Well, if that's the way they're gonna fly, then don't be surprised if someone else is going to call bullshit on you.
My feeling about ad homs is if you can make the case that the reason someone is "wrong" on a position is a matter of character, that said character leads one to carrying a heavy axe to grind, that it's fair game. However, I think looking for ways to make someone look bad in a general gossippy way simply doesn't move the debate further.
Politics is so much more identity rather than issue-focused these days that there's really no way to argue a point solely on the data. It always winds up getting personal, like PStarr's various confessionals about how much seething hatred he feels towards suburbia.
If the future unfolds a certain way, some people's sense of self will be validated and other people's will feel threatened. That's all there is to it.
I could begin to archive the sort of language I see repeated again and again that clearly demonstrates a sort of smug precognitive satisfaction in seeing Rome burn. Shortonoil was the most recent guilty party, but it's boiler-plate doomerism. If I've read it once, I've read it a thousand times. If someone strikes that tone, I KNOW, I don't suspect, I KNOW they are oozing with doomer-bias. It's not that nothing they have to say has merit, but if something is X degrees doomy, they're going to overly exaggerate it. If something's gonna crash and burn in 50 years, they'll predict 5 months. And to check people on this over-eager doomerism is simply to invite being accused of cornyism.
There's little if any attempt to look at the future from a truly apolitical clinical perspective and especially no interest in seeing a range of outcomes. People have one very narrow picture of the future and by gosh they're sticking by it.
Well, if that's the way they're gonna fly, then don't be surprised if someone else is going to call bullshit on you.
by SumYunGai » Wed Oct 05, 2016 4:47 am
ennui2 wrote:PStarr really needs an empathy course for fellow human beings before any other creatures.
My feeling about ad homs is if you can make the case that the reason someone is "wrong" on a position is a matter of character, that said character leads one to carrying a heavy axe to grind, that it's fair game. However, I think looking for ways to make someone look bad in a general gossippy way simply doesn't move the debate further.Says the stalker bully who uses Google to access my photobucket and then tells people about my Aspie Quiz results. You should be banned.
I am not as tech savvy as you. My photobucket is the only way I know to be able to post the graphs that I make. It might be public to the outside world, but here in this forum, it should be treated like my private property. If we were having a non-virtual, real time debate in public, it would not be acceptable for you to run across the room and root through my brief case.
Bullsh*t. It is very possible to intelligently debate points on their merit. It always winds up getting personal because you make it that way.
ennui2 wrote:Politics is so much more identity rather than issue-focused these days that there's really no way to argue a point solely on the data. It always winds up getting personal, like PStarr's various confessionals about how much seething hatred he feels towards suburbia.
That is true. No one wants to lose an argument. But this startling glimpse of the obvious adds nothing to the debate.
ennui2 wrote:If the future unfolds a certain way, some people's sense of self will be validated and other people's will feel threatened. That's all there is to it.
None of us wants to see Rome burn. That is just a figment of your twisted, self serving imagination.
ennui2 wrote:I could begin to archive the sort of language I see repeated again and again that clearly demonstrates a sort of smug precognitive satisfaction in seeing Rome burn.
And do I detect a note of anti-intellectualism in your comment? Do smart people who can actually reason make you feel inferior? Does this make you feel all icky and mad inside?
As far as your archive goes, what would be the point? The site IS an archive. Your archive would just be your convenient cherry picking device. You would not archive any links so that people wouldn't be able to see the context of the quotes. BTW, would this archive be public so I can go through it like you did my photobucket, you f*cking stalker?
Exactly. Because your argument has no point. People naturally accuse you of cornyism because you accuse them of doomerism. I can smell your oozing, BAU cheerleader bias a mile away. So what? Calling people names is not debating anything. See?
ennui2 wrote:Shortonoil was the most recent guilty party, but it's boiler-plate doomerism. If I've read it once, I've read it a thousand times. If someone strikes that tone, I KNOW, I don't suspect, I KNOW they are oozing with doomer-bias. It's not that nothing they have to say has merit, but if something is X degrees doomy, they're going to overly exaggerate it. If something's gonna crash and burn in 50 years, they'll predict 5 months. And to check people on this over-eager doomerism is simply to invite being accused of cornyism.
Once again, this is true but completely pointless. People don't like to lose an argument. So what?
ennui2 wrote:There's little if any attempt to look at the future from a truly apolitical clinical perspective and especially no interest in seeing a range of outcomes. People have one very narrow picture of the future and by gosh they're sticking by it.
ennui2 wrote:Well, if that's the way they're gonna fly, then don't be surprised if someone else is going to call bullshit on you.Bullshit on you. You don't contribute anything of value to this forum. The way you fly is to bully, stalk, and troll relentlessly. When this constant annoyance inevitably draws an angry response, you stick it in your little archive so you can claim that everybody is just as bad as you are. It is just a stupid, disruptive, repetitive, boring game you have developed to get attention for yourself since you are incapable of forming a cogent argument. Over your long and distinguished career here, you have honed your illegitimate technique into a massively destructive art form.
The problem is not that people are doing anything wrong by strongly holding their particular beliefs.
The problem is your behavior. You run around irritating everyone and picking fights that you blame on everybody else. You have some serious problems.
People should notice that proponents of the Etp model do not bully and troll. They make cogent arguments. The repulsive trolling and bullying behavior only comes from the Denier "team".
by SeaGypsy » Wed Oct 05, 2016 11:24 am
I agree with all of that SYG, except
the 'massively destructive' reference to Mosennui's utterly futile rantings.
He's the kind of guy who in real life, everyone wants to punch his face in, but
almost everyone realizes that would be like beating up a poor miserable
disabled guy, so don't. Two things I don't get, why he wants to be here &
why he is allowed to be here. Totally negative POS attitude. There's nothing in
the CoC about needing to accept posters with severe intellectual &
emotional disabilities, but there is something about continuous putting down of
the entire forum. Perhaps sucking up to Adam & 6strings warrants an
exemption? I dunno.
by ennui2 » Wed Oct 05, 2016 1:14 pm
1) You're stupid enough to share your real name
SumYunGai wrote:Says the stalker bully who uses Google to access my photobucket and then tells people about my Aspie Quiz results. You should be banned.
2) You're stupid enough to keep recycling your username again and again (hence enabling google)
3) You're stupid enough to put private information right out in the open where it can be google searched and accessed
4) Despite all the warnings I've given you, out of the goodness of my heart, you'd rather hurl labels and insults then..ya know...WISE UP AND REMOVE THE DAMN IMAGES.
Really, you seem to thrive on this sort of drama. Is it really about ETP or do you just like to manufacture member on member drama?
Grow TF up.
SumYunGai wrote:I am not as tech savvy as you.
Damn straight you aren't.
That's beside the point. Do you have a compelling reason to keep every image you upload to photobucket perpetually online? Don't want people to see your aspie quiz or your obsession with the holocaust? Remove the photos. Problem solved.
SumYunGai wrote:My photobucket is the only way I know to be able to post the graphs that I make.
What kind of world are you living in? The images are freely hosted and indexed by google. You want to complain? Complain to google that you don't have enough security through obscurity. Dude, I've been working in the web space for 20 years. Don't school me on how one should handle online activities. I still have usenet postings I made in the early 90s that are still floating around that I'd like to get rid of but it's impossible. Wise up.
SumYunGai wrote:it should be treated like my private property.
The analogy is bullshit. There are plenty of ways to share images that provides more granular control, like dropbox.
SumYunGai wrote:If we were having a non-virtual, real time debate in public, it would not be acceptable for you to run across the room and root through my brief case.
Listen, Marimco was the one who found the link to your photobucket library, not me. You were just clueless as to the steps that would be required and assumed it would take "hacking". Well, it doesn't. It just takes some simple analytical thinking, something you seem to lack, hence your belief in ETP.
You're blind if you don't see it.
SumYunGai wrote:None of us wants to see Rome burn. That is just a figment of your twisted, self serving imagination.
How much cheerleading am I doing when I express AGW uber-doomerism?
SumYunGai wrote:Exactly. Because your argument has no point. People naturally accuse you of cornyism because you accuse them of doomerism. I can smell your oozing, BAU cheerleader bias a mile away. So what? Calling people names is not debating anything. See?
It's not cheerleading as much as it's separating myself from a desire for a certain outcome and trying to see things as they are. That's why there's a thread about how BAU is more resilient than doomers thought, because it IS. We would all be gnawing on long-pork by now if it weren't.
SumYunGai wrote:The problem is your behavior. You run around irritating everyone and picking fights that you blame on everybody else. You have some serious problems.So do you, otherwise why did you take the Aspie quiz? Aspie's are known for being, how shall we say it, low emotional intelligence.
Now, I wouldn't make a low-blow like that but if you're going to try to psychoanalyze me, turnaround is fair-play.
by pstarr » Wed Oct 05, 2016 3:30 pm
I just posted the following was
posted on the ETP thread. Why is marmico still allowed here?
marmico wrote:Petey Starr, the Stalker from Humboldt. The fucking prick hacked one of my comments when was doing one of its downtimes.
Here's the URL of the hack you fucking prick.
And here's the URL of the mods pointing out that you are a fucking prick, you fucking prick.
Now Petey the fucking prick Starr from Humboldt is such a fucking prick that he can't even read Figure 2 in the Hall/Cleveland dumbo praecis.
I enjoy coming here and posting at peak oil. But I will leave if this is not
rectified. For those interested, here is the incident to which marmico refers.
I created a thread (Aug 28, 2016 ) when I found my avatar hacked. But I was
then accused of being responsible. That's crazy. The administrators accused me
wrongly. So I posted this:
Tanada wrote:Pstarr according to the log you edited or deleted EIGHT (8) posts by persons other than yourself yesterday during the edit malfunction period. You obviously knew you were not supposed to have access but you did not point it out to the staff and you abused that access while you had it.
My very first action was to warn the community of the edit problem.
Next I emailed admin.
Only later . . . after nothing was done to rectify the edit probelm . . . did I make minor changes to two (2) other posts, ghungs and ennui's
Now why do I have the ugly pictures?
Next I emailed admin.
Only later . . . after nothing was done to rectify the edit probelm . . . did I make minor changes to two (2) other posts, ghungs and ennui's
Now why do I have the ugly pictures?
Something is wrong here when a loyal (I used to have the 'expert' title) member of this community is degraded. And a lurker, stalker mad man is allowed to post such a horrible thing. I don't like this place anymore.
by ennui2 » Wed Oct 05, 2016 5:43 pm
Pete, you really don't want to wag
your finger at anyone for hacking the way you modified people's posts to make
them look like idiots. That should have resulted in a permaban by itself, let
alone your allusion to murdering me in cold blood.
Again, pots calling kettles black. Things will improve around here when people stop accusing others of wrongdoing and set a positive example through their own behavior.
Really, this sort of endless sniping is a sign of a forum that has hit the dead-cat-bounce stage and has no relevance anymore. Anyone who think there's actually something worth talking about besides the etiquette of other posters should resolve to clean up their acts otherwise this will just keep swirling down the drain into a waste of everyone's time.
Again, pots calling kettles black. Things will improve around here when people stop accusing others of wrongdoing and set a positive example through their own behavior.
Really, this sort of endless sniping is a sign of a forum that has hit the dead-cat-bounce stage and has no relevance anymore. Anyone who think there's actually something worth talking about besides the etiquette of other posters should resolve to clean up their acts otherwise this will just keep swirling down the drain into a waste of everyone's time.
by SumYunGai » Wed Oct 05, 2016 7:38 pm
SumYunGai wrote:Says the stalker bully who uses Google to access my photobucket and then tells people about my Aspie Quiz results. You should be banned.
When I posted on theoildrum, I was LOREN_SOMAN. I did this because it was my first online experience and I thought it was silly that that everyone had pseudonyms. It was all caps with the underscore because I started the computer part of my career with SGI boxes and UNIX. I thought it looked more definite and self assured than people with names they don't even capitalize. I am not embarrassed about anything I have done online. I think that people who hide behind anonymity so they can do things online that are unacceptable in the real world are just plain gross. You make my skin crawl. And calling me stupid is an ad hom.ennui2 wrote:1) You're stupid enough to share your real name
Futilitist was designed to get attention.
ennui2 wrote:2) You're stupid enough to keep recycling your username again and again (hence enabling google)
I told you before, there is no private information in my photobucket. Everything in it was put there to facilitate it's posting on internet forums.
ennui2 wrote:3) You're stupid enough to put private information right out in the open where it can be google searched and accessed.
You don't have a heart nor any goodness in you. If I remove any of the damn images from my photobucket, the links will be broken to where they are posted. I guess I could create separate photobuckets for every picture, but that seems like a pretty big hassle to have to go through just because I am now posting at stalker central.
ennui2 wrote:4) Despite all the warnings I've given you, out of the goodness of my heart, you'd rather hurl labels and insults then..ya know...WISE UP AND REMOVE THE DAMN IMAGES.
The problem is not that I am a trusting soul. The problem is your grotesque behavior.
I would rather not ever talk to you. You manufactured this drama, not me. You have bullied me relentlessly for about a year. You even once changed your avatar specifically to troll me. You now have a "sig" designed specifically to taunt me.
ennui2 wrote:Really, you seem to thrive on this sort of drama. Is it really about ETP or do you just like to manufacture member on member drama?
ennui2 wrote:Grow TF up.
SumYunGai wrote:I am not as tech savvy as you.
At least you can be proud of one thing.ennui2 wrote:Damn straight you aren't.
SumYunGai wrote:My photobucket is the only way I know to be able to post the graphs that I make.
Yes. The images in my photobucket are linked into threads on other forums. If I remove them, the links will be broken. I don't need to take any more security measures than I already have. You need to stay out of my photobucket.ennui2 wrote:That's beside the point. Do you have a compelling reason to keep every image you upload to photobucket perpetually online?
This is stalking and bullying. You went digging through my photobucket and now you feel free to editorialize on it's contents. Both the Aspie Quiz and the Holocaust pictures were made for threads in other forums. But you are trying to embarrass me with them. Shame on you. You disgust me.
ennui2 wrote:Don't want people to see your aspie quiz or your obsession with the holocaust? Remove the photos. Problem solved.
SumYunGai wrote:it should be treated like my private property.
Good question.ennui2 wrote:What kind of world are you living in?
I don't have anything I want to get rid of because of embarrassment.
ennui2 wrote:Dude, I've been working in the web space for 20 years. Don't school me on how one should handle online activities. I still have usenet postings I made in the early 90s that are still floating around that I'd like to get rid of but it's impossible. Wise up.
SumYunGai wrote:If we were having a non-virtual, real time debate in public, it would not be acceptable for you to run across the room and root through my brief case.
I don't care. The analogy is spot on. You are creating a hostile atmosphere on this forum. Your behavior is the problem.ennui2 wrote:The analogy is bullshit. There are plenty of ways to share images that provides more granular control, like dropbox.
True. But you are the one who tried to embarrass me with it's contents. You are still doing it, like you can't even control yourself. It is gross and disgusting behavior.
ennui2 wrote:Listen, Marimco was the one who found the link to your photobucket library, not me.
It is not about whether marmico actually hacked my photobucket. He did what he did to scare me into thinking that he hacked my photobucket. And it was also a threat that someone would do exactly what you did. Root around and attempt to smear me with what is in my photobucket. Marmico passed you the info and you used it against me. Like tag team wrestling.
ennui2 wrote:You were just clueless as to the steps that would be required and assumed it would take "hacking".
You don't know what analytical thinking is.
ennui2 wrote:Well, it doesn't. It just takes some simple analytical thinking, something you seem to lack, hence your belief in ETP.
SumYunGai wrote:None of us wants to see Rome burn. That is just a figment of your twisted, self serving imagination.
Fanatic.ennui2 wrote:You're blind if you don't see it.
SumYunGai wrote:Exactly. Because your argument has no point. People naturally accuse you of cornyism because you accuse them of doomerism. I can smell your oozing, BAU cheerleader bias a mile away. So what? Calling people names is not debating anything. See?
I have no idea. Weird non-sequitur.ennui2 wrote:How much cheerleading am I doing when I express AGW uber-doomerism?
ennui2 wrote:It's not cheerleading as much as it's separating myself from a desire for a certain outcome and trying to see things as they are. That's why there's a thread about how BAU is more resilient than doomers thought, because it IS. We would all be gnawing on long-pork by now if it weren't.You are obsessed with gnawing on long-pork. You have used that expression so many times it makes me wonder what you are really thinking about when you type it.
SumYunGai wrote:The problem is your behavior. You run around irritating everyone and picking fights that you blame on everybody else. You have some serious problems.
This is bullying. How f*cking dare you. You are a bigot and an oppressor. You need to be banned.ennui2 wrote:So do you, otherwise why did you take the Aspie quiz? Aspie's are known for being, how shall we say it, low emotional intelligence.
Liar. You just did. And you are aware that it is a low blow, yet you do it anyway. You might be a sociopath.
ennui2 wrote:Now, I wouldn't make a low-blow like that...
You are the creepiest thing I have ever seen.
ennui2 wrote:...but if you're going to try to psychoanalyze me, turnaround is fair-play.
Now I need a shower.
by ennui2 » Wed Oct 05, 2016 8:58 pm
SumYunGai wrote:You need to stay out of my photobucket.Don't take it from me. Even one of the mods agreed with me that you should take the minimum precautions to protect your online stuff.
Digging? Digging??? I demonstrated to you how even a child could access those photos. No "digging" necessary. Protect your own stuff and stop having a hissy fit.
SumYunGai wrote:You went digging through my photobucket
I mean, on the one hand you're saying the world's gonna end in 4 years and you don't even know how to protect the security of your own online data?
Most doomers have guns and ammo and a bunker fer cryin out loud and you're going to naively expect to be able to leave any and all information online, freely indexed using keywords (like your username) for people who don't like you to grab and use against you?
Sounds to me like you'll be one of the first to get your brainz eaten by the zombie horde with that sort of attitude.
Bullshit. You're having a tantrum over your aspie quiz.
SumYunGai wrote:I don't have anything I want to get rid of because of embarrassment.
That's for the mods to decide. As far as I'm concerned you are a drama-queen of the highest order.
SumYunGai wrote:I don't care. The analogy is spot on. You are creating a hostile atmosphere on this forum. Your behavior is the problem.
No, I was interested in determining whether your accusation that Marimco "hacked" your photobucket is fair.
SumYunGai wrote:True. But you are the one who tried to embarrass me with it's contents.
It's not.
No hacking necessary.
The Fappening is hacking.
This isn't hacking.
That's the long and the short of it. I don't personally care about your aspie quiz.
Mentioning these things is just a bit of tough love.
Ignore it and shoot the messenger if you like.
by C8 » Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:54 pm
Let me get this straight... everyone
is happy that is online again so you can go back to ripping each other
by SumYunGai » Wed Oct 05, 2016 11:17 pm
Not quite, C8. I am making a very serious charge against ennui. He went digging into my photobucket and now he tries to use what he found there to embarrass me. This is stalking and bullying. It is grotesque and unacceptable behavior for this forum. At least I think so. I would hope everyone would.
C8 wrote:Let me get this straight... everyone is happy that is online again so you can go back to ripping each other apart?
Ennui's behavior is a real problem here. I think the mods could easily solve the problem. Why wouldn't they want to?
I am earnestly trying to help make this a better forum.
by ennui2 » Wed Oct 05, 2016 11:28 pm
P.S. how the hell was I to know what was in your photobucket? Most of it was charts. I thought it was going to be just charts. And Marimco posted a chart (pretty harmless, really). Sorry I committed the mortal sin of hitting page-down a few too many times.
by SumYunGai » Wed Oct 05, 2016 11:56 pm
Confessions of a serial stalker.
ennui2 wrote:P.S. how the hell was I to know what was in your photobucket? Most of it was charts. I thought it was going to be just charts. And Marimco posted a chart (pretty harmless, really). Sorry I committed the mortal sin of hitting page-down a few too many times.
Why can't you just be patient like a normal person and wait for me to post things instead of rooting around like a worm in my photobucket. Do you even understand what ethics are? I really do think you might be sociopathic.
No, I am not.
ennui2 wrote:Bullshit. You're having a tantrum over your aspie quiz.
Here are the results of my Aspie Quiz:

I am not at all embarrassed by this.
Hey, I just had a great idea! Why don't you Google up Aspie Quiz and take the quiz yourself? Then we can put both our results up for a side by side comparison. I think this would be absolutely fascinating. Seriously. The test uses the same methodology as the much more comprehensive Minnesota Multiphasic personality test used by psychiatrists and the CIA. Though the Aspie Quiz is much simpler, the output might still show some indications of your possible sociopathy. Unless you are afraid to take the quiz, of course.
by ennui2 » Thu Oct 06, 2016 12:01 am
There you go, so no problem, then. Can we move along now or shall you continue your crusade?
by SumYunGai » Thu Oct 06, 2016 12:05 am
ennui2 wrote:There you go, so no problem, then.Yeah, no harm no foul, huh? What you did was still wrong. But perhaps you are just incapable of understanding this.
If you are done making excuses about your behavior, I am cool with moving along.
ennui2 wrote:Can we move along now or shall you continue your crusade?
So I think I handled the bully, stalker, troll problem pretty effectively. It was done in public, so people could see it. But the forum administrator "fixed" everything. I am banned. All the evidence has disappeared. Ennui is free to carry on as if nothing ever happened.
I sure hope that my posting of this on my own blog doesn't result in my temporary ban becoming permanent. But it sure won't surprise me if it does. That is just how these jack booted thugs roll. The real question to ask yourself is: Why are they so opposed to the Etp model and who is paying for their efforts? The Etp model is valid and the oil industry knows it. They will do anything to keep the public from knowing.
So Tanada, the owner, and unnamed others reached a private, star chamber decision that resulted in me being warned to shut up about the Etp model or else BWHill's Etp thread would be locked in retaliation! BWHill was going to be punished for my actions. That is the kind of threat a Nazi might make. Seriously. Gross.
The site owner is one Daniel Colonnese. Apparently, he somehow trademarked the term "peak oil" in 2004. No, seriously. Anyway, it is pretty obvious that must be a very valuable trademark. He started a "community" discussion forum that draws in members of the unsuspecting public who might be concerned about peak oil. Awaiting them are a hard working staff of "volunteer" moderators and administrators, and even their own in house stalkers, bullies, and trolls. All bought and paid for by Big Oil.
I am a real person. I know the Etp model is valid. I have studied it in great detail. I began trying to seriously discuss the model and thermodynamic limits in general at My experience there was both brutal and surreal. As Futilitist, I was relentlessly bullied by trolls. I was warned once, then I was banned for 9 days, and then I was suddenly banned for life without any warning. As SumYunGai, I was given an official warning (for complaining about how the site was run) and now I have been banned for 2 weeks. Every post I make could be my last. I have a bad case of post traumatic stress from posting at!
My recent banning took place late at night, while the site was supposedly down for "maintenance" for a couple of days. By the next morning, the site was up and running great. Tanada had started a thread called Economics vs Etp with an absolutely epic opening post to redirect the entire site to bash the Etp model. What fun! Everyone joined in the discussion. Except me, of course, since I am banned. And the Etp Q and A thread has been split again. So BWHill's official Etp discussion now begins with an epic post by a moderator called Ibon explaining why the Etp model is wrong. And all the interesting discussions that happened before are in a locked thread that the public has no access to. The site has been fully sanitized for your protection.
There's nothing to see here, folks. Move along.
Okay, I can't resist. Here is one thing to see. This fine post appears on page one of the Economics vs. Etp thread. And it comes straight from Jesus:
Dick ride the author? Overly aggressive asshole? Gosh, Jesus, why so cross? If I weren't banned and all, I would have to flag your crude taunting post for obvious violation of the precious COC. But it seems a little unnecessary since your post appears right below one of Tanada's posts. I am sure she/he knows about it, being so sensitive to language concerns and whatnot.
Anyway, this is my fucking blog. I don't have a fucking code of conduct. Fuck you, Jesus. And fuck you too, Tanada. Change your diaper. You really stink.
I apologize to my readers for that outburst. I am now banning myself from my own blog.
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